Jingle Dress, Page Lhotka.
Page Lhotka
Boozhoo, Azhawaagiizhigookwa, across the sky Women, Page Lhotka Indiiznikaaz Mukwaa Indoodem Gaa waa baabiganikaag
Hello, my English name is Page Lhotka. I am Bear clan, from the White Earth Reservation. I am a descendent; my father is an Enrolled member of White Earth.
I am a student At Gaawaa Baabiganikaag Gabegikendaasowigamig, White Earth Tribal Community College, and the Program Navigator for the Customized Education Department. A mother to seven children with one on the way.
When I was very young, my grandmother made me mittens and dresses; she is my artistic role model. I love that I can share the gifts with my children and community—passing on the traditions. The one who shared several teachings with me was Mrs. Diana King; I miss her very much. I have shared with you a jingle dress I created for myself and a pair of beaded moccasins for I made for my son. Teaching and artwork I share is Beading, Sewing, Moccasin making, Hand drum making, and several others.
Page Lhotka
Beaded Moccasins, Paget Lhotka.